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Tower Building – Reach for the Sky!

Are you up for the challenge of constructing a tower taller than the Burj Khalifa? Compete with your friends and prove that you have what it takes to build the tallest structure.

In Crazy Tower, players must tap on identical monsters to form rows and overcome obstacles to earn points. The goal is to build the highest tower possible.

Players collaborate to eliminate blocks and construct a sturdy tower in Crazy Tower. However, there's a twist – one player secretly plays as the Traitor, aiming to sabotage the tower and cause it to collapse on another player's turn.

Building towers with blocks not only teaches children about cause and effect (building too high can lead to collapse), but also fosters skills such as reasoning (ensuring blocks are stacked flat to prevent toppling), creativity, self-esteem, fine motor skills, STEM concepts, early math, language, and motor planning.

Get ready for a thrilling tower-building adventure packed with excitement and learning opportunities!